Monthly Newsletter

September Update (2014)

“Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) 

We are encouraged about the work that Jesus is doing here in Mexico. It is moving forward—to God be the Glory! 

There was a pastor’s meeting held and about 75 pastors attended. One of the pastor’s wives gave a testimony of how God healed her. She said that she was having serious female problems and was experiencing severe pain. The doctor told her she needed to have surgery. She was scheduled to be involved with an outreach also and was praying about what she should do. By faith, she decided to attend the outreach. During the service she was completely healed! No more pain and no operation needed! Praise Jesus! 

The churches on the state line of Guerreo and Oaxaca are doing well. We have been praying for one particular area to open up to the gospel for several years. This last month we were able to go in and hold service and 14 people came to the Lord! We are excited about what God is going to do there. Please continue to pray as this area is very hostile and hard against any “outsiders”. Pray for protection and favor for the leaders who plan to visit the work on a regular basis. 

Landon, Weston and I were able to visit the southern work in Puerto Escon-dido and Huatulco, Oaxaca. The church building in Puerto is almost fin-ished. The walls have been raised and the roof is on; they are now holding services there. 

We brought the praise and worship team from Huajuapan down with us to Puerto and we visited several of the works and ministered. The Holy Ghost fell; souls were saved and lives touched by God! Pastor Leonilo and his leaders have been working hard to see the surrounding areas of Santa Maria open up to the gospel. It encouraged them to have other churches come to help in their endeavor. After ministering in the villages we took the pastors and their families to the beach to relax. They work hard and many times don’t take time for themselves. Everyone had fun and was refreshed! 

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico! 

In Him, 

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family