“Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35)
Praise God for a great year! He has moved throughout the work and is continuing to save souls and work miracles in Mexico!
Over the last few months we have been able to make trips to several areas to visit pastors and churches as well as hold services in the villages. In one particular area we gathered all of the surrounding churches for a huge conference. In this service several believers got up and gave testimony of the miracles that were taking place in this particular region. Here are just a few.
In one village a lady had been battling cancer for a while and was beginning to get discouraged. She came to a service that we held a few months ago and came up for prayer. God spoke to her and told her to trust in Him! The next week she went back to the doctor and he was amazed that the cancer was completely gone! Thank you Jesus!
In a different village there was also a seven year old girl that was healed of cancer. Her father had been bringing her back and forth to the city to receive treatment but after several months there had been no change. He brought her to service for prayer and God spoke to him that his daugh-ter was healed. He received this Word by faith and now she is com-pletely healed! Because of this testimony, that quickly spread, new villages close by have opened up to receive the gospel! God is Good!
God is continuing to use the new Bible school students. One young man was sent out this past year to help pastor a church that had been planted. In one of his outreaches there were ten to fifteen people saved and a new village church planted because of this. The new believers are talk-ing about beginning to build a place to worship in the coming year. He has been faithful in this new role and has also found a helper! He will be married at the end of the year and we know that God will use them greatly!
We pray that as you gather with family and friends during this time of year you will be refreshed and that your homes and places of worship will be filled with His presence.
Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico!
In Him,
Greg & Lisa Rider & Family