December Update (2015)

“Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) 

Praise God for a great year! He has moved throughout the work and is continuing to save souls and work miracles in Mexico! 

Over the last few months we have been able to make trips to several areas to visit pastors and churches as well as hold services in the villages. In one particular area we gathered all of the surrounding churches for a huge conference. In this service several believers got up and gave testimony of the miracles that were taking place in this particular region. Here are just a few. 

In one village a lady had been battling cancer for a while and was beginning to get discouraged. She came to a service that we held a few months ago and came up for prayer. God spoke to her and told her to trust in Him! The next week she went back to the doctor and he was amazed that the cancer was completely gone! Thank you Jesus!

In a different village there was also a seven year old girl that was healed of cancer. Her father had been bringing her back and forth to the city to receive treatment but after several months there had been no change. He brought her to service for prayer and God spoke to him that his daugh-ter was healed. He received this Word by faith and now she is com-pletely healed! Because of this testimony, that quickly spread, new villages close by have opened up to receive the gospel! God is Good! 

God is continuing to use the new Bible school students. One young man was sent out this past year to help pastor a church that had been planted. In one of his outreaches there were ten to fifteen people saved and a new village church planted because of this. The new believers are talk-ing about beginning to build a place to worship in the coming year. He has been faithful in this new role and has also found a helper! He will be married at the end of the year and we know that God will use them greatly! 

We pray that as you gather with family and friends during this time of year you will be refreshed and that your homes and places of worship will be filled with His presence. 

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico! 

In Him, 

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family

August Update (2015)

"Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35) 

God is faithful and is being lifted up in Oaxaca, Mexico! Souls are being saved and lives changed! Hallelujah!

A new set of students has graduated from the Bible School. Several are headed for their target areas while others are joining their home churches for leadership positions. The Bible School is a very important channel of outreach to the villages. One of our faithful pastors that is working with the Amuzco Indians went through the Bible School several years back. After completing the school, he felt called to move into an area that is mainly populated with the Amuzco people groups. This area is about seven hours from where he is originally from but he stepped out in faith and made the transition. He is still there and the work has flourished because of his calling and obedience. Because he lives in a centrally located town, he can reach out to the Amuzco people, disciple new believers and place pastors into the villages. Through this method, the work can grow and thrive. There are plenty of souls that are ready to be harvested and we must "lift up (our) eyes and look at the fields!" (John 4:35). We praise God for this pastor and ask you to continue to lift up the work that we are doing among the Amuzcos.

About two and a half hours from the work in Huatulco, we planted a church about five years ago. Throughout the years this work has pressed through hard times and much religious persecution. It is hard terrain and sometimes the only way in is on foot. Last month I visited the area as well as another new village church that branched off of this one. Once we reached the main village we went further to reach the new village, which is located an hour in the truck and another two hours on foot. Five souls were saved during our visit and we prayed for several to be healed. After a few days in the village we returned to Huatulco, where we held another service at the main church. God moved and several were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost! God is faithful and is increasing the believers in the mountains of Oaxaca! Glory to His Name!

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico!

ln Him,

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family

June Update (2015)

"Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35)

Jesus is faithful and is working in the hearts and minds of the believers in Mexico. Although there has been violence in the surrounding areas, especially in Guerrero, God is still being glorified!

An evangelistic meeting was held in one of the areas located on the state line of Oaxaca and Guerrero. It was organized to reach out to the surrounding villages. Many gathered and over 70 were saved and several were healed! Jesus is being exalted in these hostile areas and is moving through these mountains with his salvation power! The main pastor from the works in northern Oaxaca and I made a trip to visit each of the pastors on the trail toward southern Oaxaca. We were able to meet with the pastor that is over the Amuzco churches and he reported that the Amuzco works are doing well and are growing.

We also prayed with this same Amuzco pastor and his wife. She is still standing and believing God for a complete healing. She struggles with diabetes and its effects. It is a miracle that she still is able to move freely and hike the mountains. She is a walking testimony of God's grace and healing and continues to pray for others despite her own battles. Please continue to pray for this dear sister that she will be strengthened and that we will see a complete victory in her body in Jesus name!

As we made our way down south, we eventually arrived at the work in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. The pastor reported on a new work in the surrounding mountain area that was started a little over a year ago. It is growing rapidly and is now filled with about 50 believers. One young man that was involved in gang activity was saved there and is bringing other gang members to Jesus! Praise God!

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico!

In Hirn,

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family

March Update (2015)

"Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35)

The pastors meeting was held in Southern Oaxaca. One of our main pastors hosted everyone and there were several pastors and leaders that attended the meeting. I encouraged them to dare and step out in faith and see God move in ways like never before. What a blessing to see these leaders come together to worship the Lord and to receive a fresh anointing to go forward in the work God has called them to do.

We also visited the work in Puerto Escondido. Pastor Eliud and Dulce are doing well. Now that the building is mostly complete they are holding services and events there and putting the finishing touches. God is blessing them and they are remaining faithful. It has been a long road watching the building come to completion but they hung in there and now they are seeing the fruit! God is Good!

The villages in Northern Oaxaca are also reporting that new souls are being saved regularly. The pastors are reaching out to surrounding villages. Some are receptive and some are not but God is softening the hearts of these Indians and are bringing them to Himselfl

The Bible School students are pressing forward in their second half of the school year. They have taken several trips to visit the works as they study the Word and receive vision for their future. Several already know they are called into full time ministry and some want to travel to the unreached areas. Thank God for the sacrifice of these faithful believers!

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico!

In Him,

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family

January Update (2015)

"Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35)

Happy New Year!

We thank the Lord for another year completed for His Glory! We are encouraged about the work that Jesus has done and is doing in the lives of the people of Mexico. We have seen a pressing forward to reach the lost like never before.

The year 2014 began with the completion of the church in Puerto Escondido. They began holding services and have seen much fruit. Pastor Eliud, Dulce and their children have been faithful to continue to march ahead to see the Kingdom of God increase. They are not only reaching those in their area but also surrounding areas as well. Dulce held a women's conference and over 100 women showed up from all over the southern regions of Mexico. There were salvations, healings and ministry to the women that came. God is faithful and is using this precious couple for His Glory!

The new Bible School students in Huajuapan also began their year of Bible studies. They are continuing in the new year to study the Word of God diligently as they pray for God's direction. Several of the graduates of 2014 have begun their work in various areas of ministry and are being used by God. We pray that this year will hold new opportunities and doors will open for these eager leaders.

This past year also held great blessings in our family. Landon, Tammy and Gabriel welcomed little Amelia Rae Rider into this world on December 24, 2014. It was a surprise to us all as she was about three weeks early! We are happy for them and know that God will use her to reach the lost.

Much has transpired this past year in the state of Guerrero where several of our churches are located. Please continue to pray for the protection of God on those that are living and preaching there and that God will reach the lost in this violent state of Mexico.

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico! May the Lord Jesus bless you in this New Year of 2015 and give you Souls, Healing and Deliverance!

In Him,

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family

September Update (2014)

“Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) 

We are encouraged about the work that Jesus is doing here in Mexico. It is moving forward—to God be the Glory! 

There was a pastor’s meeting held and about 75 pastors attended. One of the pastor’s wives gave a testimony of how God healed her. She said that she was having serious female problems and was experiencing severe pain. The doctor told her she needed to have surgery. She was scheduled to be involved with an outreach also and was praying about what she should do. By faith, she decided to attend the outreach. During the service she was completely healed! No more pain and no operation needed! Praise Jesus! 

The churches on the state line of Guerreo and Oaxaca are doing well. We have been praying for one particular area to open up to the gospel for several years. This last month we were able to go in and hold service and 14 people came to the Lord! We are excited about what God is going to do there. Please continue to pray as this area is very hostile and hard against any “outsiders”. Pray for protection and favor for the leaders who plan to visit the work on a regular basis. 

Landon, Weston and I were able to visit the southern work in Puerto Escon-dido and Huatulco, Oaxaca. The church building in Puerto is almost fin-ished. The walls have been raised and the roof is on; they are now holding services there. 

We brought the praise and worship team from Huajuapan down with us to Puerto and we visited several of the works and ministered. The Holy Ghost fell; souls were saved and lives touched by God! Pastor Leonilo and his leaders have been working hard to see the surrounding areas of Santa Maria open up to the gospel. It encouraged them to have other churches come to help in their endeavor. After ministering in the villages we took the pastors and their families to the beach to relax. They work hard and many times don’t take time for themselves. Everyone had fun and was refreshed! 

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico! 

In Him, 

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family

January Update (2014)

"Do not say,' There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35)

The year 2013 has come and gone and we are thankful to the Lord for what He has done in the lives of the people of Mexico. More villages have been reached, souls saved, lives changed, and a fresh vision instilled in faithful believers.

The church in Puerto is now able to bold services in the new church building. The walls are complete and the roof is on. God bas encouraged Pastor Eliud and his family to keep pressing forward in the work that He has called them to do there on the coast. They have also been able to build themselves a more secure home that does not flood every time it rains. They have sacrificed much for the gospel and God is blessing them for their faithfulness.

The church in the Amuzco area is also doing well. A woman in that area was recently healed of diabetes. She had been going to the doctor and taking her medication regularly. She felt at one point that God had healed her and made the decision to stop taking her medication. When she returned to the doctor he told her she was in excellent condition. She knew the Lord had done a miraculous work in her body! Praise Jesus!

This past year the Guerrero area has taken some hard hits. The bad weather brought much flooding and left many homeless and devastated. The church immediately stepped in and brought aid. Landon and the pastors from our area were able to assist the village churches in their outreaches to the affected families. They brought food and supplies, prayed for and with the people there and arranged for housing for many. 

The bible school students bad a great year of studying the Word of God and have reached out to many new villages. Some have transitioned to new areas while others are now helping under their pastors. We are looking forward to the next group that will begin to study in this new year and for the harvest that is ready to receive them.

Thank you for praying and standing together with us to see Jesus exalted in Mexico!

In Him,

Greg & Lisa Rider & Family